- Kontakt podaci - | ||||
Telefoni: | e-mail: | |||
phone/fax: ++387 (0)32 881 774 | dragan.trogrlic@tel.net.ba | |||
mob: ++387 (0)61 461 517 | ||||
Preparati Ive i Dragana Trogrlića se mogu nabaviti jedino preko Dren doo. Žepče | ||||
- Kontakt podaci - | ||||
Telefoni: | e-mail: | |||
phone/fax: ++387 (0)32 881 774 | dragan.trogrlic@tel.net.ba | |||
mob: ++387 (0)61 461 517 | ||||
Preparati Ive i Dragana Trogrlića se mogu nabaviti jedino preko Dren doo. Žepče | ||||
Katalog biljnih preparata
Catalogue of herbal preparations
Biljni preparati za adenom hipofize
Herbal preparations for adenoma hypophysis
Komplet biljnih preparata za 3 mjeseca korištenja. Komplet sačinjavaju 3 preparata koji se troše u pravilnim vremenskim razmacima svaki po 1x dnevno. Neto težina svakog od preparata je 120 g. Najbolji rezultati u regulaciji prolaktina i redukciji tumora se postiži nakon 3-6 mjeseci korištenja biljnih preparata.
A set of herbal preparations for a 3 month therapy. The set includes 3 preparations to be drunk at specific times, each of them once a day. The best results in terms of prolactin regulation and tumor reduction are achieved after 3 to 6 months of usage.
Biljni preparati za autoimune bolesti štitnjače:
Hashimotov tireoiditis, Basedovljewa bolest
Herbal preparations against autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland:
Hashimoto thyreoiditis, Morbus basedow
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Komplet biljnih preparata za 3 mjeseca korištenja. Komplet sačinjavaju 4 preparata koji se troše u pravilnim vremenskim razmacima svaki po 1 x dnevno. Neto težina svakog od preparata je 120 g.
One set of herbal remedies for 3 months of usage. The set consists of 4 preparations which are taken at regular time intervals, each of them 1 time per day. The net weight of a single preparations is 120 grams.
Biljni preparati za hipertireozu uzrokovanu toplim čvorovima i toksičnim
adenomom,kao i za čvorove štitnjače uz normalan hormonski status
Herbal preparations against hyperthyroidism caused by hot nodules and toxic adenoma, as well as against
thyroid nodules with normal hormone status
Komplet biljnih preparata za 3 mjeseca korištenja. Komplet sačinjavaju 3 preparata koji se troše u pravilnim vremenskim razmacima svaki po 1x dnevno. Neto težina svakog od preparata je 120 g. A set of herbal remedies for 3 months of therapy. The set contains 3 preparations, which are taken once a day at the same time intervals. The net weight of a single preparation is 120 grams.
Biljni preparati za neplodnost uzrokovanu hormonskim poremećajima
Herbal preparations for infertility caused by hormonal disorders
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Komplet biljnih preparata za 3 mjeseca korištenja. Komplet sačinjavaju 4 preparata koji se troše u pravilnim vremenskim razmacima svaki po 1x dnevno. Neto težina svakog od preparata je 120 g.
A series of herbal supplements for 3 months of usage. A set consists of 4 different preparations which are drunk once a day at certain intervals. The net weight of a single preparation is 120 grams.
Biljni preparat za ciste na jajnicima,endometriozu i miome maternice
A herbal preparation for ovarian cysts, endometriosis and uterine fibroids
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Komplet biljnih preparata za 3 mjeseca korištenja. Komplet sačinjavaju 4 preparata koji se troše u pravilnim vremenskim razmacima svaki po 1x dnevno. Neto težina svakog od preparata je 120 g.
A set of herbal preparations for 3 months of therapy. One such set consists of 4 preparations which have to be taken one time per day. The net weight of a single preparation is 120 grams.
Biljni preparat za benigna oboljenja prostate
A herbal preparation for benign prostate diseases
Ovaj preparat pokazao se djelotvoran u smanjenju tegoba starijih osoba koje izazivaju oboljenja prostate. Visoka djelotvornost preparata može se objasniti time što on djeluje na hipofizu, uspostavljajući tako hormonsku ravnotežu. To dovodi do normalizacije funkcije prostate i volumen ove žlijezde se smanjuje. Preparat smanjuju adenom prostate, često do potpunog iščezavanja, a samim tim dolazi do pada PSA i normalizira se mokrenje. Preparat se koristi kod benigne hiperplazije i adenoma prostate. Najbolji rezultati se postižu nakon 3-6 mjeseci korištenja. Neto težina preparata je 120g. Ova doza je dostatna za 1 mjesec korištenja.
This preparation has been shown to be effective in reducing the complaints of older people that cause prostate diseases. The high effectiveness of the preparation can be explained by the fact that it acts on the pituitary gland and thus creates a hormonal balance.
This leads to a normalization of the prostate function and the volume of this gland decreases. The drug reduces prostate adenoma,
often until it completely disappears, and so PSA drops and normalizes urination. The best results are achieved after 3-6 months.
The net weight of the preparation is 120 g. This dose is enough for 1 month of usage.
Preparat "Viola" za klimaks
Preparation "Viola" for menopause
Preparat Viola ima više prednosti u rješavanju tegoba vezanih uz klimaks u odnosu na one koji se trenutačno koriste u konvencionalnoj terapiji. Oni uklanjaju primarni uzrok, djelujući na hipotalamo-hipofiznu osovinu normalizirajući njihovu regulaciju. Korištenjem ovog preparata vraća se mir i spokojstvo, osigurava se bolji san, prestaju navale vrućine i normalizira se rad srca.
Viola has more advantages in resolving menopausal problems compared to those currently used in conventional therapy. This herbal preparation eliminates the primary cause, acting on the hypothalamic-pituitary axis by normalizing their regulation. The use of this preparation restores peace, ensures better sleep, stops hot flashes and normalizes heart function.
Biljni preparati za žučni kamen
Herbal preparations for gallstones
Preparat se sastoji od čaja i biljnih kapsula. Troši se svaki treći dan. Jedna doza je dostatna za mjesec dana korištenja.
The preparation consists of tea and herbal capsules. It is consumed every third day. One dose is enough for one month of usage.
Biljni preparati za bubrežni kamen
Herbal preparations for kidney stones
Preparat se sastoji od čaja i biljnih kapsula. Troši se svaki treći dan. Jedna doza je dostatna za mjesec dana korištenj.
The preparation consists of tea and herbal capsules. It is consumed every third day. One dose is enough for one month of usage.
Biljni preparat za hemoroide
A herbal preparation for hemorrhoids
Preparat se sastoji od čaja i biljnog melema. Jedna doza je dostatna za mjesec dana korištenja.
The preparation consists of tea and herbal balm. One pack of 120 grams is enough for one month of usage.
Biljni preparati za zaštitu endometrija u toku hormonskog liječenja raka dojke
Herbal preparations to protect the endometrium during hormonal treatment for breast cancer
Preparat se koristi za zaštitu endometrija u toku hormonskog liječenja raka dojke. Najbolji rezultati se postižu nakon 12 mjeseci korištenja. Neto težina preparata je 120g. Ova doza je dostatna za 40 dana korištenja.
The preparation is used to protect the endometrium during hormonal treatment for breast cancer. The best results are achieved after 12 months. The net weight of the preparation is 120 g. This dose is sufficient for 40 days of usage.
Biljni preparati za hepatitis B i C
Herbal preparations for hepatitis B and C
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Preparat se koristi kod inficiranih hepatitis B i hepatitis C virusom, kod kojih su povišene transaminaze ( ALT i AST ). Smanjenje vrijednosti transaminaza kod većine oboljelih postiže se nakon 3-6 mjeseci korištenja. Komplet za mjesec dana korištenja sastoji se od 2biljna preparata. Neto težina preparata 1 je 80g, a preparata broj 2 40g.
The preparation is used in people who are infected with hepatitis B and hepatitis C and in whom the transaminases are increased. Decreased transaminases are achieved in most patients after 3-6 months of use. The set for one month consists of 2 herbal compositions. The net weight of preparation 1 is 80 g, and that of preparation 2 is 40 g.
Preparat "Vinka" za oboljenja štitnjače
sa normalnim hormonskim statusom i čvorovima i/ili cistama štitnjače manjim od 5mm.
Preparation "Vinka" for thyroid diseases
with normal hormonal status and nodules and / or thyroid cysts less than 5mm.
Preporučuje se kod oboljenja štitnjače, a posebno je dobar u zaustavljanju rasta i smanjenja čvorova koji su često prisutni kod osoba starije dobi. Ovaj preparat se može koristit sam ili u kombinaciji sa drugim hormonskim regulatorima što zavisi od stadija i vrste oboljenja štitnjače.
It is recommended for thyroid disease, and is especially good at stopping the growth and shrinking of nodules that are often present in the elderly. This preparation can be used alone or in combination with other hormonal regulators, depending on the stage and type of thyroid disease.
Biljni preparat za regulisanje masnoća u krvi
An herbal preparation for regulating blood lipids
Preparat se koristi za regulisanje masnoća u krvi. Najbolji rezultati se postižu nakon 3-6 mjeseci korištenja. Neto težina preparata je 140g. Ova doza je dostatna za 2 mjesec korištenja.
The preparation is used to regulate blood lipids. The best results are achieved after 3-6 months. The net weight of the preparation is 140 g. This amount is enough for 2 months of use.
Biljni preparati za zloćudne tumore prostate
Herbal preparations for malignant prostate tumors
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Komplet biljnih preparata za 1 mjesec korištenja. Komplet sačinjavaju 4 ili više preparata koji se troše u pravilnim vremenskim razmacima svaki po 1x dnevno. Broj preparata zavisi od stupnja proširenosti bolesti i trenutnog načina liječenja koje koristi suvremena medicina. Neto težina svakog od preparata je 50 g. Preparati se troše zajedno sa medicinskim liječenjem, a najbolji rezultati se postižu nakon 8-12 mjeseci.
A set of herbal remedies for 1 month of use. The set consists of 4 or more preparations that are taken at regular intervals once a day. The number of preparations depends on the degree of spread of the disease and the current method of treatment used by modern medicine. The net weight of each of the preparations is 50 g. The preparations are consumed together with medical treatment, and the best results are achieved after 8-12 months.
Dokazi o uspješnom liječenju sa fitoterapijom od strane bolesnika
Evidence of successful treatment with phytotherapy by patients
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