Biljni preparati za hepatitis B i C
Herbal preparations for hepatitis B and C
Preparat se koristi kod inficiranih hepatitis B i hepatitis C virusom, kod kojih su povišene transaminaze ( ALT i AST ). Smanjenje vrijednosti transaminaza kod većine oboljelih postiže se nakon 3-6 mjeseci korištenja. Komplet za mjesec dana korištenja sastoji se od 2biljna preparata. Neto težina preparata 1 je 80g, a preparata broj 2 40g.
The preparation is used in people who are infected with hepatitis B and hepatitis C and in whom the transaminases are increased. Decreased transaminases are achieved in most patients after 3-6 months of use. The set for one month consists of 2 herbal compositions. The net weight of preparation 1 is 80 g, and that of preparation 2 is 40 g.